The Northern Lights Physics Conference 2022 is an international physics conference hosted by the Next Generation Partnership Network of the Universität Hamburg on the interplay of (quantum) magnetism, topology, and superconductivity, focussing on novel physics and applications to tomorrow’s quantum technologies.
The conference will be held in Iceland’s capital Reykjavík at the National Museum of Iceland on October 12-15, 2022 and includes 32 invited international speakers and contributed posters, including a poster award. We further have a strongly limited number of contributed talks that can be applied for.
Update: Registration open, but payment not yet. Registrations until August 1st will receive early bird discount also without immediate payment.
View the schedule, venue, conference poster.
Your organizers
Benedetta Flebus (Boston College)
Mircea Trif (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Thore Posske (Universität Hamburg)
The organizers gratefully acknowledge support by the local co-organizers Sigurður Ingi Erlingsson (Reykjavík University), Andrei Manolescu (Reykjavík University), and Viðar Guðmundsson (University of Iceland).